Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Small changes to your marketing mix can have a big impact - especially if you tap the wealth of low-cost tools available to you online. Here are seven small marketing changes that you can make now to boost your sales in 2013:

1- Social Media links in your e-mail signature.

By including a link to your Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter sites at the bottom of the signature file in your e-mail messages, you can spread the word about your business every time you hit the Send button.  We suggest to our clients to use Social Media religiously to promote their company and get more clients.  The cost is nothing but a little thought power.

2- Use the back of your business card.

If you don’t have a huge marketing budget to advertise in print, radio or television please read on. The back of your business card is most under-utilized marketing piece that you own, and it's almost free. By featuring a photo of yourself, a picture of your product, a ‘give-a-way’, or a list of services or products, you turn your business card into a powerful marketing tool. At networking events it is a great conversation starter, and it also allows you to convey important facts about your business during those precious seconds when you have someone's attention.

3- Revamp your website.

OK, you probably spent a fortune building a website, and let’s not forget about those monthly maintenance fees.  There is no need to re-build your website, but it is time for your website to have a low cost facelift. Rather than spending more money (again) to redesign your home page, try creating a series of low-cost "landing pages" to test different ads and offers for your products and services. Remember, your website is not a brochure.  In fact, most of your traffic today comes in through the back door and through blog postings. Be sure that your site is easy to read for people browsing the web through their computers, and more importantly, through their iPhones and BlackBerrys.

4- Position yourself as an expert.

Nothing builds your brand faster than free advice. Whether you're a landscaper, a handbag designer or a dog walker, your expertise will have customers knocking at your door offering to pay you to help solve their problems. The key is to give away ‘something’ of value to build an audience. Once you find out what works, go out there and replicate it. One client, a restaurant, regularly tweets about: new menu specials, special events, and limo services.  They continue growing their clientele on an on-going basis.

5- Swap lists with Strategic Partners that have similar demographics.

There's no reason to pay big money to buy a mailing list when you can get sites that attract a similar audience.  For example, a site that publishes a newsletter about women in finance used this technique to build a list of 50,000 subscribers. They did lots of ‘trades’ with Strategic Partners that cost them nothing out of pocket.  The key is to create great content and give it away for free on the web. However, be careful to respect the privacy of the subscribers whose email addresses are on the lists you swap, or you may get stuck in a spam filter. To avoid trouble, ask the Strategic Partner to start by doing co-marketing, simply saying that you have joined forces and “since you are a preferred customer of XYZ, be expecting some valuable information from [your business]” Make certain to include a link to your site that their subscribers can sign up for your newsletter, and of course make certain you comply with opt-out regulations.

6- Get a vanity phone number.

Just because the phone company stuck you with a random number when you signed up for their service doesn't mean that you're saddled with it for life.  The owner of Good Girls Go To Paris Crepes LLC, was looking for ways to bring customers in the door when she found Ring Ring LLC, a company that provides small businesses with vanity phone numbers. She picked 1-877-PARISCREPES, and her phone has been ringing off the hook ever since.  Due to the huge amount of telephone traffic she said that she will never give up that number– she said, "in fact, that's how people know us". The cost: approximately $25 a month.
7– Test, measure and test again.

Just because you've found a single marketing strategy that seems to be working doesn't mean that you should blow your entire budget this concept.  First, diversify your dollars and efforts by trying several marketing strategies, than test, measure and test again before trying your next campaign. Google Analytics will measure your traffic for free and tell you where your site visitors are coming from and which search terms they're using to find you.  Test every piece of your marketing campaign, once you've found the right formula, follow it.

The bottom line.
You don't need to have a big marketing budget to make a big splash. A tweak (or Tweet) here, a tweak (or Tweet) there, and soon your phone and email will be buzzing with new business.

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