Tuesday, November 6, 2012



The issue of the death of a business owner should be considered during the start-up of a business. Unfortunately, during the creation of many buy/sell agreements the issue of death is only addressed at the urging of a life insurance agent. At the meeting, you arbitrarily decide how much insurance you can afford and how much your company is worth, when in fact you do not know.


Death is not as likely to end the business relationship as disability. The business survival will often take prescient over paying a disabled partner. If the person is important to the business, the financial strain impacts the business and the family who depends on the income.


You can imagine the torn feelings if a disability occurs, but what if the partners cannot get along? How do we split a partnership without financially ruining each other? It may be complicated by many personalities, some may not even be a part of the dispute, yet may be affected financially.


You may all be happy working together, but your partner or you may decide to leave for another opportunity or simply to take life easier. Who is going to do the work? What is owed the leaving partner? Where is the money coming from? All important considerations for your business exit strategy.

A Fair Buy/Sell Agreement

For the business owner, each one of the four D’s has special demands on: family, income, taxes, and transfer of control of assets. An agreement, commonly called buy/sell agreements, can be used to handle the four D's. The concern of the family or income can conflict with the business. The business exists as a separate entity. Reduce conflict by developing mutual fair agreements and the desired level of income.


Creating a Business Exit Strategy

- Find a method of determining the value of the corporation that can be done at least annually and will qualify under IRS standards.

- Develop an employee benefit plan that will assist with the departure of each partner in case of death, disability, or retirement.

- Plan for who retains company ownership and who gets paid off.

The great American dream is to: build a business of your own; bring it to life; and make it successful. How you plan your business exit strategy will determine your financial success. Just as building a successful business takes planning, hard work, and a little luck, so does leaving it.

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