There is a pivotal scene in which one of his current wives
catches him in a lie. They're in the kitchen, and he's called her by another
wife's name. "What did you say, John?" she asks.
The camera shows John's face in the foreground, his
"wife" in the background. We see the look in his face, the eyes
darting right, and then left. He says, more to himself than to her, "Wait
a minute. Who am I here?"
For many business owners, this feeling of ‘disconnect’ is
much the same, which is why, unless you own a restaurant, you should not leave
sharp objects laying around.
Who Am I?
We make strong distinctions between being an Entrepreneur, a
Manager, and a Technician. Each role within a business requires a different
hat. We conclude that:
· The
Entrepreneur creates the Vision.
· The
Manager creates the Systems.
· The
Technician creates the Results.
Our clients in our Executive Mentoring Programs are
challenged to examine the hats they wear in their business and the value of
each. All business owners have qualities of each, but where they most often
lack confidence or expertise is in that of The Manager. Most businesses are
started by technicians suffering from an ‘Entrepreneurial Seizure’. Being a
manager doesn’t even come up in that scenario. Invariably, a business owner
will conclude: "What I really need to do is to hire a Manager."
What a Manager Needs
to Be
An effective manager has the potential to take on some of
the accountabilities that command so much of your time. But how is this really
going to move your Vision any closer to reality?
In the development stage of your business, they are all your
hats to wear. You must be able to look at your business from each of the three
distinctive points of view. As ‘The Entrepreneur’, you have the sole authority
and responsibility to determine the direction of the business. How will the
business be positioned in the world; in the eyes of its customers, employees,
lenders, vendors and the larger community? The Entrepreneur must determine and
constantly reinforce the company's Intention.
The Entrepreneur's Vision is The Manager's marching orders; the Vision
is the gold standard. The Manager's duty is to enforce and manifest the Vision.
Ultimately, managerial work bridges the space between the
entrepreneur's Vision for the company and the daily technical efforts moving
the business toward that Vision. Effective managers, those who can motivate
employees to reach their full potential, are instrumental in building turnkey,
systems-dependent businesses.
What a Manager Needs
To Do
A Manager must have several critical characteristics one is ‘know-how’. Some managers arrive with some ‘know-how’ intact (knowing what to do and how to do it) getting work done through other people (Technicians). At a minimum, effective managers will have the ability to find out how to do that. Knowing how or knowing how to find out how is one of the minimum required skills of a successful Manager.
The other essential characteristic of a successful Manager
is the ability to transform that know-how into processes and systems that will
enable people to get the desired results. The only effective processes and
systems are those that will achieve the Entrepreneur's Vision. Those processes
and systems are the tools the Technicians use to get the results that fulfill
the Vision. The Manager does not manage people. The Manager manages systems.
People are virtually un-manageable, while systems are not. People respond to orchestrated patterns and
within those patterns (systems and processes), people can manage themselves!
An effective business must begin with the Vision. The
effective Entrepreneur creates a compelling Vision and infuses it throughout
the entire organization. The effective Entrepreneur lives the Vision. The
effective Manager translates that Vision into systems, and delegates the tasks
to the Technician. The effective Technician operates within the system to
create the results that move the Vision forward.
A successful business owner does not wear all the hats at
once. The owner of a successful business must practice the art of
discrimination. Our clients know what hat is appropriate at any given moment,
what characteristics are essential when wearing that hat, and when it is time
to pass it off.
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