People are not your greatest asset. Even great people are not your greatest asset. In fact, great people can be your greatest liability.
So if it’s not people, what is your greatest asset? The answer is how you empower your people.
Think about it. What is the purpose of a business organization? To assemble a
group of people, who previously may have had no association, and motivate them
to accomplish a shared goal and align them to the organization’s objectives.
More effective empowerment equals more productive work.
As leaders and managers, the real ‘job’ is to empower
people. Therefore, we organize them into divisions, units, groups and teams. We
provide goals and incentives to motivate them. And we provide them with
authority, training, tools, resources and processes necessary to complete their
With the advent of Social media, there are new ways to
enhance your greatest asset, because now you are empowering people to
collaborate at unprecedented scale. With social media, we motivate people to
form ‘communities’ around a meaningful and common purpose or job. We provide
them with new technology and guidance, with the ultimate goal of creating “mass
“Collective intelligence” is the formation of relatively small
communities into a larger knowledge bank. Collective intelligence is not new,
but the mass collaboration via social media provides a scale like never before
thought possible. Even the most modest individual contributions can be impact,
when combined at scale. Wikipedia, YouTube and Flickr are all social Web
examples of collective intelligence. Each Wikipedia article by itself is
relatively insignificant, but with the accumulation of millions of articles
linked together, this becomes powerful.
Expertise Location
Expertise location is about finding specific expertise in
the masses of people and the amount of available content. The goal is not to collect numerous small
contributions from many, but to find just what is needed. ‘Crowdsourcing’ is a
well-known example of expertise location.
New Structures
The new structures are: the processes, the content, the
categorizes, the organizational networks and the teams. The goal is to gain a
better understanding of the true “nature of things” to effectively organize,
guide or interact with a community or its efforts. Social media, applied with
transparency, can implement these structures.
Interest CultivationInterest cultivation is the forming of communities around a shared interest or mission. Social media facilitates the mass sharing of interests like never before. Businesses often pursue interest cultivation with the aim of engaging customers to market product/services, improve delivery and increase sales.
Flash Coordination
A new concept involves the leveraging of a number of people
into activities through short mass-messaging and texting. By using flash coordination, companies can
leverage a powerful and immediate response to an important occurrence.
Relationship Leverage
Relationship leverage is the practice of managing and
creating value from a number of relationships. What you hope to do is maximize
the strength of weak ties and the power of unbalanced relationships. For
example, Facebook is all about relationship leverage. We can keep numerous
people up to date on what we are doing and thinking with only minimal effort.
Now, we only need to respond to those who choose to interact around something a
common interest or theme. We sacrifice intimacy for scale, but that is the trade-off
with relationship leverage.
Examine these items in relation to your business strategic
goals and plans, major customer challenges, and business practices. Then determine where and how mass
collaboration might empower your people to deliver value to your organization
and enhance what is truly your greatest asset.
1- As
a leader, how are you empowering the next generation of leaders in your
organization to exert their creative influence?
2- As
a leader, what are you doing to infuse the values of your organization into its
systems and structures and to transfer those values to the next generation?
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